[token与imtoken]:-Wells Fargo- Cryptocurrency Has Entered 'Hyper-Adoption Phase'
佚名 imtoken钱包 2022年04月23日
-Wells Fargo- Cryptocurrency Has Entered 'Hyper-Adoption Phase'
Wells Fargo: Cryptocurrency Has Entered 'Hyper-Adoption Phase'
Financial services firm Wells Fargo says that cryptocurrencies are viable investments that have entered the “hyper-adoption” phase. “Cryptocurrencies have been following an adoption
pattern similar to other new advanced technologies, such as the internet,” the firm's global investment team detailed.Crypto in Hyper-Adoption Phase, Says Wells FargoWells Fargo's investment institute published a special report titled “Understanding Cryptocurrency”本星期。 The report attempts to answer whether it is “too early or too late” to invest in cryptocurrencies.The Wells Fargo team explained:We believe that cryptocurrencies are viable investments today, even though they remain in the early stages of their investment evolution.They added: “We recommend professionally managed private placements for now, as the investment landscape is still maturing.”The research team continued: “We see cryptocurrencies in the ‘early, but not too early’ investment stage, which is why we have emphasized investor education. The thrust of our view comes from global cryptocurrency adoption rates, which have quickly accelerated from a low base.” They noted:Cryptocurrencies have been following an adoption pattern similar to other new advanced technologies, such as the internet.The Wells Fargo analysts reiterated, “For today’s investor trying to figure out if we are early or late to cryptocurrency investing, looking at technology investing in the mid-to-late 1990s seems reasonable.” They added:At that time, the internet hit a hyper-adoption phase and never looked back. Cryptocurrencies appear to be at a similar stage today … We are hopeful that greater regulatory clarity in 2022 brings higher quality investment options.Nonetheless, the firm recommended: “Cryptocurrency investment options today, however, are still maturing and we advise patience.目前, 我们建议考虑只考虑专业管理的私人展示。“威尔斯法戈开始于去年8月向客户提供加密投资。该公司还与美国证券交易委员会(股票)提交了比特币基金(SEC)。本Styalwells Fargo,Wells Fargo Bitcoin互联网,Wells Fargo Crypto Internet,Wells Fargo Cryptocurrency,Wells Fargo Cryptocurrency,Wells Fargo Cryptocurrency,Wells Fargo Crypto互联网)预测您对Wells Fargo的Crypto分析有何看法?让我们在下面的评论部分中了解。Kevin Helms奥地利经济学的学生,凯文在2011年发现比特币,自从以来一直是福音兵。他的兴趣在于比特币安全,开源系统,网络效果和经济学和密码之间的交叉口。